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  4. Export sales taxes for bookkeeping & tax reporting


Gigrove provides you with the possibility to charge sales tax on the checkout. Currently, only businesses from US, EU, UK, Canada and Australia are able to charge sales tax. The rest of the countries should enter the prices for products normally and calculate taxes through bookkeeping tools.

Enabling sales tax for your gigs in easy. Gigrove provides live tax rates for UK, US, EU, Canada and Australia – which are applied automatically on the checkout, based on the customer’s billing location. Gigrove includes any taxes in the total price, so you should enter the prices that are inclusive of any taxes.

Here’s how to enable automated tax rates for EU. The same settings apply for US, UK and Australia sales tax:

On your “Add new item” page, scroll down to tab section and select “Tax Class”:

Your work is pretty much done here. We will use sales tax rates from our database to automatically calculate and apply tax calculation on the checkout, based on the customer’s location.


Export sales taxes for bookkeeping & tax reporting

Gigrove removes the hassle from bookkeeping and tax reporting by enabling you to export total payable tax figures to .pdf file. Exporting sales taxes is easy.

  1. Go to your Gigrove Dashboard.
  2. Select “Reports” from the sidebar menu.
  3. Select a time period for the reports to show. In this example, we selected a “Year”:


Once you select the period, hit the “Print” button.

The .pdf document with total payable tax will be automatically generated for you:


The Export Report option helps calm the chaos from bookkeeping and tax reporting. Within a click, you can get a .pdf file with calculated total taxes, making it extremely easy to manage the headache-prone side of your online store.