Translation of your store / Provide dedicated localization
Gigrove offers the ability to provide premium localization to your customers and serve customers with dedicated localization. Dedicated localization is great if you want to target different international markets, since your store will be index by search engines in the selected language. Premium localization is meant for businesses who want to serve their customers through…
How to add a custom JavaScript and other code snippets to your store page?
There are often times when you need to add a JavaScript code to your store. Placing the code can be used for verification, ads, chat widgets, survey widgets, and similar. This article will explain how you can add a custom JavaScript code to your storefront. Navigate to your Gigrove Dashboard. Head over to “Shop Settings”.…
How to configure Up-sell and Cross-sell items
Upselling is the practice in which a business tries to motivate customers to purchase a higher-end product, an upgrade, or an additional item in order to make a more profitable sale. For instance, a salesperson may influence a customer into purchasing the newest version of an item, rather than the less-expensive current model, by pointing…
Set shipping costs for particular regions / states
There are times when you need to define additional shipping costs for particular regions. In this article, we will explain how to do so. Head over to Shop Settings - Shipping tab. Click on the checkmark to enable shipping. Now we want to set the regular shipping cost, applicable to all regions, in this example,…
Private product URL: How to hide items for your storefront?
In some cases, you may wish to publish your products, but not show them publicly in your storefront. This can be useful if you want to share a link for your gig privately. Here is how to hide an item from your storefront. Visit item's edit page or go to "Add new item" to create…
Storefront Customization: How to arrange items on the storefront list?
At times, you may wish to rearrange the order of items in your storefront. To place some items on top and some items on the bottom of the storefront list. Arranging the order of items is easy. Here are simple steps: Go to item's edit page, or go to "Add new item" page to add…