
​The quality assurance policy outlines our belief and commitment to ensure that ongoing quality improvement is an integral part of our organization. Gigrove Ltd will aim for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of its work as a part of its determination to help businesses achieve the highest possible standards and success in their ventures. Gigrove Ltd aims to be the first choice for high quality e-commerce in the gig economy sector.


​The purpose of the Quality Assurance Policy is to ensure such continuous improvement through a process of self-evaluation, feedback from clients and goal planning. The Quality Assurance Policy and associated procedures will involve all members of our team. To encourage continuous improvement in the quality of all e-commerce tools provided and associated development solutions, thereby making shopping an efficient activity and through this, help service business grow and sell more.


The results of the quality control monitoring as stated above, will be used to:

  • Highlight issues that need consideration by Gigrove Ltd.
  • Feedback on actions taken will be shared with teammates.
  • Identify new initiatives and solutions that will improve the quality of development that we bring to our clients.