Bernard Of Clairvaux

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After a short introduction by Father Pennington, Saint Bernard himself takes us in hand, leading us along the way to the fullness of life in Christ. Bernard’s rich style, the work of a master pot, is redolent with an inviting warmth that reveals union with God to be like the intimate and all-fulfilling embrace of lovers. It is embrace that transforms us, making us truly Godlike. Pennington’s selections of Bernard’s ever-beautiful prose are varied enough to give you a fine introduction to all the Saint’s more important writings. They are like a sampler that invites the pursuit of deeper discoveries. These writings and Pennington’s insights are sure to encourage you no matter where you may be on your spiritual journey.

M. Basil Pennington is a Cistercian monk from St. Joseph’s Abbey, Spencer, MA. He is considered one of the leading contemporary spiritual writers and is the author of such classics as Call to the Center, Thomas Merton – My Brother, Daily We Touch Him, and A Place Apart.

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