15 Days With Joseph Calasanz

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Joseph Calasanz (1557-1648), was born in the Aragon Kingdom, Spain. He was a man of great culture and piety. After he was ordained as a priest, he went to Rome. There, “touched by God, (he) left all the comfort” and dedicated himself to the education of the poor children, founding what has been called “the first popular and tuition-free public school of Europe,” the Pious Schools. His whole life was marked by poverty and humility. He suffered very much. He saw his Work destroyed and died without reputation; but he knew how to trust and “receive from the hand of God everything, the prosperous and adverse things.” He was canonized in 1767 and is patron of the Christian popular schools.

Miguel Angel Asiain Garcia, Piarist Father. He is a Doctor in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He has dedicated his life to the formation of Novices and students of his Order, teaching theology and Religious Life. For 12 years he was General Assistant in Rome. He is the General Delegate of the Fr. General for the lay people in the Order. As a specialist in Saint Joseph Calasanz, he has deepened in his spirit and has written several books and numerous articles.

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