Ω 4 Health Benefits of Negative Ions

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(1) Purify Blood

The major cause of all modern diseases is blood hyper coagulation. Purifying blood will effectively improve health. When oxygen levels in blood decrease, fats accumulate in the blood, metabolism slows down and chronic conditions develop.

These are followed by high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis and fatty liver. In more severe cases, it can deteriorate to stroke and myocardial infarction. In normal arteries, the blood is slightly alkaline with more negative ions than positive ions.

In unhealthy arteries, there is abnormal acidification of arteries, blood is more acidic with more positive ions than negative ions.  Negative ions

- Purify blood and promote better blood circulation
- Remove lipids, excess cholesterol and oxidative substances that lead to aging
- Expand blood vessels and enhance elasticity
- Transforms blood pH from acidic to mildly alkaline

(2) Rejuvenate Cells

Improve the body’s self-healing and antioxidative ability. A cell functions well when the cell membrane is permeable. Our skin, skeletal system, blood and organs are made up of more than 60 trillion cells. Many health problems are the result of cellular disease.

If the positive ions in the bloodstream increase, the channels on the cell membranes will contract, reducing absorption of nutrients and oxygen and the removal of wastes.

- Facilitate transport of water, nutrients and oxygen into cells
- Break down of wastes and toxins in cells, increasing cell regeneration
- Restoration of cell damage
- Freeze aging and rejuvenate youthful cells from internal system

(3) Enhance Immune System

Enhance the immune system and improve allergy conditions.  Negative ions strengthen the immune cells by enhancing phagocytes’ activity to swallow foreign or invasive organisms in the body.

When viruses or bacteria invade the body, a healthy immune system will be able to fight back and recover quickly. The lymphocytes are activated by negative ions to increase production of antibodies at an optimal rate.

- Speed up metabolism and improve management of diabetes, gout and other metabolic disorders
- Improve skin repair, regeneration and defense ability, prevent secondary infection of wounds
- Effectively improve health conditions related to immune system, alleviates symtoms of eczema, allergic rhinitis, lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis

(4) Regulate Autonomic Nervous System

Experts have found numerous health problems that modern medicine cannot cure and with no exact cause. Many are related to the imbalance of autonomic nervous system. Work-rest imbalance and increased stress levels affect the normal functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

This will result in hormonal imbalance, physiological disorders, autonomic nerve disorders like insomnia, migraine, nausea, urinary disorders, loss of appetite, burnout, chronic fatigue and others.

- Inhibit sympathetic nerves and promote parasympathetic nerves, balancing autonomic nervous system
- Increase blood calcium concentration and thus facilitate conduction between neurons (nerve cells)
- Improve quality of sleep, migraine, physiological disorders and mental alertness
- Indirectly prevent blood disorders, stroke, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases

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