Fibroid Testimonials

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Testimony for Fbroids (Fibrocystic Breast Disease) from Taiwan

Congratulations to Bao Qing! I’m so excited for you, I keep getting goosebumps!

Bao Qing had already undergone surgery once for her fibroids in her breasts. This is why she was really worried about her latest scan in Aug this month because if the fibroid were to increase in size, she would have to do another round of surgery. This is also why 1.5 years ago, she had already invested in full set of negative ion clothes. That afternoon (2017 Aug), Bao Qing went for a B-mode ultrasonography and her fibroid has completely disappeared!! Using the full set of negative ion clothes really gave her a big surprise!

In the 9 o’ clock direction in the left breast, there were fibroids of size 0.6×0.5cm approximately 1.1cm away from the nipple.

In the 3 to 4 o’ clock direction in her right breast, there were fibroids of size 1.3×0.4cm and 0.9×0.3cm, approximately 1.2cm and 2.0cm away from the nipple.

She underwent surgery after this report and in last year, she suffered a relapse (2016 Jan) and Bao Qing simply chose to believe that negative ion clothes can be used in synergy to protect herself.

The fibroid in her left breast has disappeared!
In the 1 to 2 o’ clock direction in her right breast, the fibroid was 0.114×0.06cm in size, approximately 10mm away from the nipple.

The fibroids in both breasts have COMPLETELY disappeared!
Time is the best witness, I am really touched!

今天是什么好日子?新鲜出炉了几个好见证 !




超声所见:双侧乳腺呈多种体型。于左侧乳腺9钟处可见一低回声区,大小约0.6×0.5cm,边缘清晰,内部回声均匀,活动度好,距乳头1.1cm。于右侧乳腺1点钟及3-4点钟处均见一低声回声区,大小分别约1.3×0.4cm, 0.9×0.3cm,边缘清晰。内部回声均匀,活动度好,距乳头分别约1.2cm, 2.0cm。







Testimony Fibroid from China

My grandmother’s uterine fibroid’s size reduced from 3.3 x 2.5 x 2.1cm to 2.0 x 1.9cm after 1 year plus of using Nefful.

The doctors were very surprised and my grandmother is very happy as she feels she has a healthier look than before using Nefful. Thankful for a great product that helps keep our parents healthy. Let’s share this product technology with a grateful heart to help more people! Thanksgiving

親愛的親朋好友,今天回婆婆家,她接觸產品至今一年多的时间,原本两年前的子宫肌瘤大小是3.3×2.5×2.1cm,昨天检查肌瘤为2.0×1.9cm,医生都很驚訝,婆婆很開心今天與我分享医院的报告,使用一年来脸色气色都好了。感恩这么棒的产品,让我们父母身体健康,可以乐享晚年,感恩 亲爱的伙伴们,让我们怀着感恩的心,把产品分享给更多有需要的朋友,帮助更多有需要的人,感恩。

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