Ultimate Bundle for Life Coaching
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There are times in life when our coping skills are pushed to the max! This doesn’t mean you don’t know how to handle your own life. What it does mean is that you need guidance, a coach, to get through this particular period in your life.
This bundle is appropriate for those who feel they have “hit a wall” in the journey of life and need some guidance to move forward.
This BUNDLE includes:
1. An e-workbook authored by your coach, Chris Shea, which guides you through understanding who you are by examining where you’ve been, you’re thought process, and overcoming your barriers.
2. Five 50 minute online video sessions with Chris Shea. These sessions will identify your goal(s), create and implement a plan of action, and guide you toward obtaining your goal(s).
3. Twice daily 5-minute text message “session” to check-in and for encouragement.
4. One 50 minutes online video session to be scheduled for 2-3 months after the conclusion of the initial five sessions. The goal of this session is to follow up and evaluation of the initial plan.
Purchased individually retails at $1,000. You save 20%