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  4. Translation of your store / Provide dedicated localization

Gigrove offers the ability to provide premium localization to your customers and serve customers with dedicated localization. Dedicated localization is great if you want to target different international markets, since your store will be index by search engines in the selected language. Premium localization is meant for businesses who want to serve their customers through dedicated localized domain name, with a language extension, e.g. “mystore.com/de” and it includes:

  • Translation of the store page
  • Translation of the gig pages
  • Translation of dashboard pages
  • Translation of order notification emails

Depending on your needs, you can either use free localization service, or upgrade to Premium localization. To upgrade to Premium localization is easy, simply follow the link and upgrade to your preferred language.

Free, automatic translation is available for stores hosted on gigrove.com domain name, and can be used by adding language extension in the url. E.g.” https://es.gigrove.com/store/mystore”.

Use Gigrove in Spanish: es.gigrove.com

Use Gigrove in French: fr.gigrove.com

Use Gigrove in German: de.gigrove.com

Premium translation service supports +100 languages.