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  4. Dashboard overview

Depending on the device you’re using, you can do different things at your dashboard. If you log in to your dashboard from a browser, then you can manage all functionalities of your web store. If you log in to the Gigrove Seller Dashboard from your mobile phone, then you can view your store’s basic data – like recent transactions and new orders.

When you log in to your web store, the first thing you will see is your Dashboard Overview page:


Dashboard Overview shows information about transactions, your store’s recent activity, notifications and clients inquiries.
You can access the different sections of your dashboard by using the sidebar menu. Some sections of the Gigrove dashboard include (depending on pricing plan and account role, some items in the sidebar may not visible):

  • Products – Where you can view a detailed list of the products in your store.
  • Appointments – Here you can manage appointment scheduling, like approve appointment requests or see see the booking list.
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Analytics
  • Reports
  • Team members
  • Settings

Sales report by date shows a monthly overview of the total number of orders made on your Gigrove store on any given day.

Notifications tab shows notifications about your Gigrove business that are based on your account status, growth, and recent customer activity.