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  4. How to add variable product in your Gigrove store?
If your product has different variations, like sizes, colors, etc. – you would want to use Gigrove to sell variable products. Adding variable products is easy. Let us explain how:


1) Go to new “Add new item” in the left sidebar menu.


2) Select “Variable” in the product  type dropdown.


3) Add Item title, short description, featured image and select the payment method that can be used to buy this product.


4) Next, scroll down to the product tabs to add product Attributes. Attributes are essentially variables that you are going to be selling. Click on “Add custom attribute”. Make sure to check “Active”, “Visible on product page” and “Use a Variation” checkboxes.


5) Next, let’s go to “Variations” tab. The attributes we previously created should be waiting for us on this tab. Here, we will define details for each product variation, such as custom pricing, custom image, etc.


To add a new variation of this product, simply click on the little cross in the bottom right corner and repeat the process.


6) When ready, click on “Publish” to add a product to your store. Variations will then reflect on the frontend.


We’ve also created a quick video tutorial on how to create variations to help get started quickly: